Gretchen teaches university classes internationally and delivers classes both in person and online.

The following are some of the classes Gretchen has taught.

Art Theory

What is art theory and how can it be applied to Contemporary Art; This is a practical course looking at the work of Hegel, Marx, the Frankfurt School including Walter Benjamin and applying the ideas to what we look at in museums today.

Modern and Contemporary Art

The course concentrates on how art became modern and then how it became contemporary. Students learn how we arrived at AI and why we could consider digital art Art. What is essential in this course is how to recognize what is modern and what is contemporary when visiting a gallery, museum or trade fair. Looking, seeing, and describing are essential skills that are learned and applied in the class.

African Art

Africa is an enormous continent with thousands of different cultures, languages, customs, and rituals. Europeans and others have considered much of the work created as “art”, although it was not intended that way. This course not only looks at the history of the continent but also considers a few of the cultures of the continent in gaining an understanding of what “art” is all about. Some aspects of colonialism are discussed, the main focus being on the people and their cultural heritage prior to, during, and after colonial rule.

Abstract Expressionism and Art of the Middle Ages

A six-hour class (3 x 2 hours) on what Abstract Expressionism is as well as Art of the Middle Ages. This course gives you access to both and allows for a deeper understanding of each.

Human Rights and Art

What are the basic Human Rights, and how can these apply to art; are they prevalent in art around the globe? Do artists even consider these when creating new pieces? Where do we find them, and how. The course examines the global art scene and what it means to create artwork considering other factors besides what may be local and personal

Artist Manifestos and Art Through the Ages

What is a manifesto, and why, when, and where have artists used them? The course looks at artists, their artwork, and why they formed certain groups and created manifestos. Students learn to understand artists' intentions and then examine their artwork or exhibitions, gaining a deeper understanding of their creative process. The course covers mostly modern and contemporary art.

The Spiritual in Art

Many artists looked for a higher meaning in what they were creating. This applies to artists who were making art for themselves and for possible collectors. Their art was to bring the viewer to higher realms of emotion and being. The class covers art in Europe.

Contact Gretchen to discuss a lecture topic for your university.