Gretchen Simms is a lecturer of modern and contemporary art history and advisor for private art collection and curation.

She has extensive knowledge and experience working at renowned Austrian museums, including the Secession, the Kunstforum Wien, and the Belvedere.

At the Kunstforum Gretchen was the editor for their magazine, Kunstpresse, while at the Secession she was responsible for fundraising and working with the “Friends of the Secession”, as well as taking over Head of Press and Communications for the modern and contemporary wing of the Belvedere “21er Haus.”

She has also worked with notable museums in the United States, Spain, Finland, Germany, Switzerland and Norway. Gretchen has taught at universities in the United States, Austria, and South Africa.

Gretchen began teaching art history in South Africa at the University of Cape Town and Michaelis Campus. Since then, she has also taught art history in Europe and the United States, instructing a wide range of students and accommodating the needs of varied student bodies. In Vienna, Austria she taught at Webster University, the University of Applied Art and the University of Vienna. She specialized in art theory, modern and contemporary art and approaching the contemporary.

Alongside teaching and museum work, Gretchen supports artists who are looking for new ways to expand and show their art. She curates, speaks at openings, and advises artists on their path to success.

Gretchen Simms also advises collectors in purchasing and selling their art internationally. Collectors often seek advice specifically on international pricing structures in the art world.

She is an experienced speaker on topics such as modern and contemporary art theory, African art, the Cold War and art, museums’ digital experience, HR in museums, sustainability, the art market, and art in an international context.